T-shirt Order Form

See day-camp.shacbsa.org/calendar for due dates.

A reasonable number of extra shirts can be ordered after the first t-shirt deadline, if needed.

If this order is a supplemental order for additional shirts, only include the additional shirts needed, NOT the grand total. 

There are no returns or refunds for shirts. However, cowboy trading between districts is highly encouraged.

Camper T-shirts

For Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts, tot lots (all youth 5th grade and under)

Special Orders for Campers

(no returns, no last-minute orders)

Intended for Cub Scouts / Webelos Scouts that need larger size shirts.

Youth Volunteer T-shirts

For youth 6th grade - age 17 (den chiefs and junior staff).

Adult Volunteer T-shirts

Key Staff T-shirts